7 Great Ways to Improve Customer Service in Logistics

How can integrated logistics improve customer experience? Here are some of the great ways to deliver effective customer service in logistics. In the world of e-commerce, excellence in customer service can make the difference between a sale and a lost customer. Today’s customers are savvy and able to reward businesses that offer exceptional service with … Read more

Best Multitool for Fishing

Fishing is one of the most popular participation activities and sport in the world. This is why people engage in it from peaceful and quiet fishing, where you only put a line at your favorite spot on a small local river to wrestling with big fish off a boat in the oceans. Moreover, one gets … Read more

Best Fishing Bobbers

Do you admire efficiency more than anything else? Absolutely, every angler wants efficiency when fishing. While keeping in mind that fishing is always a trial and error, with the best fishing bobbers, you will readily detect life below the water surface. Bobbers is attached to the fishing line to serve as a visual indicator. This … Read more

best fly fishing nippers

A good nipper can be your companion to release the unfortunate experience of cutting fishing lines and tippets with teeth. Cutting with teeth is not as professional as it is harmful to your teeth. However, many people are not aware of buying this much needed cheap equipment. So maybe after a while, you have to … Read more

best fish attractant

Purchase quality and the attractive lure is great but it is not enough to get you a trophy fish. Fish are highly intelligent and will quickly avoid bait or lures that smell or look unnatural. The best way to increase your chances of catching fish is by using a fish attractant. Fish attractants are designed … Read more

can fish see water

One of the never-ending debates among anglers, fishers and scientists is, fish can see water? Fish are incredible and resilient creatures that have been around for more than 450 million years and have evolved to adapt to the ever-changing environment. Scientists believe that there are more than 3.5 trillion fish in the world. This means … Read more

Best Polarized Sunglasses for Sight Fishing

As an angler, the most important tool that you have is your eyes. Regardless of what species you are after, you can only catch it if you spot it first. That is why you need to get yourself a pair of polarized sunglasses to help enhance your vision. Polarized sunglasses will help improve your vision … Read more

what do catfish eat

With a lifespan of over 50 years, catfish is one of the most abundant fish species in the world. There are over 3000 species of catfish worldwide, and most of them live in fresh lakes, rivers, ponds, and reservoirs in temperate climates. They are found in every continent except Antarctica. This bottom-dwelling fish is resilient … Read more

What Do Bluegill Eat

Bluegills are known for the voracious appetite despite being relatively small fish. But what do bluegill eat? Understanding bluegill’s natural diet all year long and where their prey is located can help increase your chances of getting more catch. Besides being fun to catch bluegills are also very delicious. They have more flavor, and their … Read more

Best time to fish for bass

best time to fish for bass

The United States of America has more than 15 million anglers and a vast majority of them pursue the largemouth. Besides being found in 48 US states fishing largemouth is fun. They are strong are always put a strong fight unlike any other fish before they go down. They can snap your line, throw your … Read more

Do Catfish Have Teeth? All About Catfish Teeth

do catfish have teeth

Catfish is one of the most resilient fish species in the world. They can survive under conditions that most fish species cannot. They are mostly found in rivers and streams, ponds and reservoirs, and mainly feed in small fish, snails, clams, aquatic insects, and other small animals. They don’t have scales the way most fish … Read more

What Color Light Attracts Fish? What Should you use?

what color light attracts fish

From the period of the caveman, people have learned to understand that fish become intriguing in the light. There is still a dilemma about what color light attracts fish? Through many experiments, scientists have indicated some lighting colors. These lighting colors vary depending on the location and nature of the fish.  Let’s dig deeper into … Read more

Is Fishing A Sport

Is Fishing A Sport

Currently, there is a massive debate as to whether “is fishing a sport or not.” We interpret this topic to help you know whether it is a sport or not.

Best Crab Traps

Need the best carb trap for next happy carb fishing? Too much confused about buying decisions? Read this article for the real solution.

Is Crawfish Healthy? | The Health Benefits of Crawfish

A crawfish is a form of crustaceans found in freshwater. Crustaceans contain a myriad of different water specimens, ranging from crabs, lobsters too, of course, the Crawfish. Moving back to the Crawfish, it goes by a lot of different names such as; crawdads, Crayfish, yabbies, mudbugs, mountain lobsters, or freshwater lobsters and are typically between … Read more

How to Trap Crawfish – Traps, Pole, Hand or Others!

Fishing has stayed throughout the ages and has developed into one of the most important aspects of our lives. Fish are an essential source of protein throughout the world, and global distribution for them has never been more important. Knowing when and where to fish for something specific somehow always perplexes people. This is something … Read more

How to Use Fish Hook Remover Properly

How to Use Fish Hook Remover Properly

If you are a pro fisherman, you probably know the importance of a proper fish hook remover for the fish and release process. Additionally, a fish hook remover keeps you safe during releasing hooks. However, for a newbie in the angling world, using a hook remover properly might be problematic. I have seen quite many … Read more

Redington ZERO Fly Reel Review and Buyer Guide

Redington ZERO Fly Reel Review

Any expert anglers know how important a perfect fishing reel is. They would argue over the perfectness of their preferred fishing reel over others and try to prove what’s the advantage of having an ideal fishing reel instead of a rod. However, most anglers’ expert or intermediate or even most newbies would agree that they … Read more

Pinfish | Pinfish Trap | Pinfish as Bait

Pinfish, Pinfish Trap, Pinfish as Bait

Just like most other hobbies or professions, fishing has layers upon layers of skills that you not only need to understand, rather master, as time passes. As such, today, we’re going to be delving into the ins and outs of the knowledge required for you on Pinfish, pinfish trap, Pinfish bait. In this article, you’ll … Read more

How to use a minnow trap

Minnows are quite popular and useful as living bait to help trap bigger fish.  They are also easy targets since they like to gather in shallow waters close to areas like: the shorelinearound tree rootsrocks Here are some types of traps to consider. They can be home-made or store-bought, depending on your needs. Design Some traps may … Read more